Research funding

Enlarged view: Drone in the air, blurred skyscrapers and cranes in the background
We make your ideas fly! (ETH Zürich / Fran?ois Pomerleau)

There are numerous options for securing funding as a researcher employed at or wishing to join ETH Zurich. The Office of Research is your access point for national and international funding schemes, respectively. Industry Relations can help you finding funding for industry collaborations.  

ETH Zurich also runs a number of competitive internal programmes such as the ETH Fellowships, the ETH Research Grants, the ETH Career Seed Awards, the ETH Doc.Mobility Fellowships, and the external pageBranco Weiss Fellowships. The ETH Pioneer Fellowships promote the development of innovative products and services.

Special emphasis is put on supporting young researchers.

Link to Research Professional

There are more options for funding than you might think. Projects, fellowships, travels, equipment - you name it. Check out external pageResearch Professional, a comprehensive database of funding schemes that is freely accessible to ETH researchers (on campus or via VPN).   

external page2-min YouTube guide on how to use the search function
external page2-min YouTube tutorial on saving searchers and creating email alerts


Link to Research Swiss

The central platform of external aims to facilitate collaboration in research and innovation by providing researchers, higher education institutions and innovators with a unique overview of the most important funding instruments, calls for joint research projects and mobility programmes.

SDSC Calls for Projects

The Swiss Data Science Centre (SDSC) is launching its first national calls for collaborative projects starting in 2025. The call process enables SDSC to identify and engage in high-impact projects and collaborations, and is an important tool for the fair allocation of resources. The calls for collaborative projects focus on the following areas:

  • The 2024 Call for Collaborative Research Data Science Projects will offer to contribute in-kind expertise in statistical data science, machine learning and AI to research projects in different application domains.
  • The 2024 Call for End-User Innovation Projects aims to ensure that novelty developed in an academic or research context achieves its full potential in end-user contexts, serving a community or society at large, e.g. public institutions, industrial and/or economic stakeholders.
  • The 2024 Call for Collaborative Open Research Data (ORD) Infrastructure Projects aims to advance the Swiss National ORD Strategy by fostering collaborative development of sustainable and reusable data and software infrastructure that empowers open research practices.

?Explore initial information on our external pageNational Call webpage.

Please note that pre-proposal submission deadline will be July 15th, 2024.


Save-the-date: Information Session on June 10th

We invite you to learn more about the calls and the type of projects in which the SDSC engages in. Join our dedicated information session taking place:

ETH-internal & SNSF funding programmes

Grants Office

ETH Zurich
Grants Office
R?mistrasse 101
8092 Zurich

EU programmes & SNSF transitional measures (Horizon Europe measures)

EU GrantsAccess

ETH Zurich
EU GrantsAccess
Seilergraben 53
8001 Zurich

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